Thursday, 24 August 2023


Expansion of Proverbs - Notes
Expansion of Proverbs
Proverbs: A Proverb is a well-known saying that conveys a general truth or that offers
advice on life and behaviour, for example: 8Honesty is the best policy, 8All that glitters is not
gold9. Proverbs are simple in form, yet packed with meaning. Though they consist of short
sentences, they contain a lot of wisdom. Proverbs often make use of metaphors to convey
their meaning. (Metaphors are comparisons made between two dissimilar things without
using the words 8like9 or 8as9 to show that one of them has some quality of the other).
Another feature of proverbial sayings is irony, or the use of words to convey meanings that
are the opposite of what they usually mean.
Expansion of Proverbs: Expansion of proverbs is a meaningful writing task. It involves
understanding the meaning of a proverb, what it implies and how it relates to the present
time. To expand a proverb, you will have to explain its meaning and elaborate on its
significance by using reasoning and giving examples from real life to convey its truth and
wisdom clearly to the reader. A good paragraph written for expansion must have 1) unity of
thought; (2) order; (3) coherence; (4) variety and (5) Expansion.
Some guidelines for expansion of proverbs:
In the first instance, read the given proverb. Think about the proverb and understand its
meaning, significance and implications.
Think of one or two examples from real life, from books you have read and films you have
watched or from other sources.
Arrange your thoughts in the logical sequence and write the piece, using simple language
and keeping to the usually allowed one-page limit.
Make the opening and conclusion interesting and impressive.
Some examples of Expansion of Proverbs:
1. All that glitters is not gold.
2. Make hay while the Sun shines
3. Honesty is the best policy
4. A stitch in time saves nine.
5. Haste makes waste (or) Slow and steady wins the race.
6. Necessity is the mother of invention.

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